Ahern to raise McAliskey case

The case of Ms Roisin McAliskey is to be raised by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, when he meets the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony…

The case of Ms Roisin McAliskey is to be raised by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, when he meets the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, on the fringes of the EU Summit in Luxembourg.

Amid growing Government concern over the health of Ms McAliskey, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Andrews, confirmed yesterday that he had received a reply from the German Foreign Minister, Mr Klaus Kinkel, to questions he had raised about the matter.

"He has replied that humanitarian aspects are of particular importance in this case and that Germany would welcome a swift ruling by the British courts on the extradition request. He also states that the decision on the extradition application is a matter for the British courts."

Ms McAliskey is currently on conditional bail at a London hospital where she is being treated for a medical problem. Her six-month-old daughter, Loinnir, is with her at all times.


The High Court in London is today to be asked to direct the magistrate in the case to take a decision on the German extradition request.