The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, is in Spain for a one-day visit during which he will meet the Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.
The Taosieach Bertie Ahern, shakes hands with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, Spain.
The visit to Spain is part of a series of visits to EU member states and the accession countries in the run-up to Ireland's Presidency of the EU in 2004.
Mr Ahern and Mr Anzar will discuss preparations for Ireland's presidency of the EU and the current EU agenda.
The discussions will also focus on the report ofthe European Convention and the forthcoming Inter-Governmental Conference, which will decide on the new institutional arrangements for the enlargedEuropean Union.
The Taoiseach has visited a number of European capitals - including Helsinki, Talinn, Stockholm, Berlin, Brussels, Lisbon, Prague and Ankara - ahead of Ireland's term at the head of the EU.