Ahern conveys 'warmest congratulations' to Bush

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, said this evening he had conveyed his "warmest congratulations" to President Bush on his re-election…

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, said this evening he had conveyed his "warmest congratulations" to President Bush on his re-election and had wished him well "in addressing the challenges over the next four years".

Mr Ahern said he looked forward to building even closer relations with the United States both at national level and at the level of the European Union and wished the President, his family and his team every success in the term ahead.

He said: "The contribution which people of Irish heritage have made to the United States, and the strong tradition of friendship and goodwill between us, is a source of enormous pride to us.

"Today, as our connections and links continue to expand in a broad range of areas of mutual interest, I look forward to working with the President to ensure that these continue to develop and flourish in the years ahead," he said.


Mr Ahern also said he had conveyed his best wishes for the future to Senator John Kerry.

Mr Ahern said the Government was honoured to host the EU-US summit at Dromoland Castle earlier this year in it role as Presidency of the European Union.

"On that occasion we agreed on a number of measures for enhancing future co-operation between Europe and the United States," he said.

"It is both in the interests of the Union and the United States that our relationship is strong and that we work together across the range of issues that face the international community at this time," he added.

Mr Ahern paid tribute to the United States as "a firm and loyal friend of the peace process".

"This support is a source of great encouragement as we continue to work to ensure that the Agreement is implemented in full, and above all, allowed to achieve its promise of delivering a better future for all the people of Northern Ireland," he said.