Aer Rianta accepts 'standards fell short' at Shannon

Aer Rianta conceded this evening hygiene "standards fell short" in Shannon Airport resulting in actor Jeremy Irons cleaning up…

Aer Rianta conceded this evening hygiene "standards fell short" in Shannon Airport resulting in actor Jeremy Irons cleaning up a departure lounge.

Apparently frustrated by an array of beer-soaked tables and overflowing ashtrays in a lounge at Shannon airport, the Oscar-winner picked up a cloth and started mopping up the mess last Saturday.

"I had done enough reading and I looked around me and the place was a tip so I decided to clean up," Irons was quoted as saying in the Daily Mirror.

"I find being diverted at airports quite depressing and I felt much better after cleaning up."


A spokeswoman for the airports operator said while there was no excuse for poor standards, enormous stress had been placed in the existing staff because four planes had diverted to Shannon from Cork because of fog.

This, coupled with a delayed out-bound flight resulted in 360 extra people in the lounge and the two service staff "found it very difficult" the spokeswoman said.

She added that a contingency plan was hampered because it was a Saturday night.

It is understood that Irons was travelling to Ballydehob, in Co Cork where he owns the 15th century Kilcoe Castle.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times