Abortion to be discussed as Dail resumes

The Dáil resumes after the summer recess today to face such disparate topics as the September 11th attacks, the Taoiseach’s latest…

The Dáil resumes after the summer recess today to face such disparate topics as the September 11th attacks, the Taoiseach’s latest announcement on the abortion referendum and the forthcoming Budget.

With a General Election looming, political point-scoring is likely to be high in the agenda this afternoon, as the parties limber up for next year’s poll.

With this in mind, the session begins with questions for the Taoiseach, Mr Bertie Ahern and the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr O’Donoghue.

It is expected they will face a grilling on the proposed abortion legislation and referendum. Labour has already voiced its opposition to the proposals, leaving Fine Gael mulling its options. Last night Fine Gael said the party would seek legal advice before taking a stance on the Government’s proposals.


The party's spokesman on health, Mr Gay Mitchell, said he would be pushing the Government to accept their Care of Persons Bill, 2001 in the Dáil today. This bill proposes the creation of a State Board to support women with crisis pregnancy.

The rest of the afternoon and early evening’s proceedings will be dominated by statements on the terrorist attacks on the US, and the State’s response.

Heated debate is again likely, with some opposition TDs - particularly among Labour and Green Party ranks - brooding over Mr Ahern's offer of the use of airports to US armed forces.

The Seanad, meanwhile, is scheduled to debate the Freedom of Information Act Electricity Regulation Act and the Gas Bill 2001 before they are referred to the Dáil tomorrow. They will also address the Fine Gael motion on crisis pregnancies.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times