90% satisfied with President McAleese - survey

Nine out of 10 voters are satisfied with the way the President, Mrs McAleese, has done her job, according to the latest Irish…

Nine out of 10 voters are satisfied with the way the President, Mrs McAleese, has done her job, according to the latest Irish Times/TNS mrbi opinion poll.

A majority believe there should not have been a presidential election, just 6 per cent are dissatisfied with the president and 4 per cent have no opinion on the matter, according to the survey.

The results of the poll, taken last Monday and Tuesday among a national quota sample of 1,000 voters through all constituencies in the State, are almost identical to those of a poll taken last February.

Then, 88 per cent were satisfied with her performance, 7 per cent were dissatisfied and 5 per cent had no opinion.


The poll was taken immediately after Mrs McAleese was re-elected unopposed as President for a second seven-year term.

Some 42 per cent believe a presidential election should have been held, 53 per cent that it should not have been held, and 5 per cent have no opinion.

Satisfaction with the performance of the President is very evenly spread among different age groups, regions and social categories.