How agreeable are you?
I suspect this depends on who you ask.
What’s your middle name and what do you think of it?
Anne. I added the “e” after reading Anne of Green Gables when I was nine, to make it suitably exotic.
Where is your favourite place in Ireland?
My home in Howth, Co Dublin.
Describe yourself in 3 words
Dreamy. Practical. Passionate.
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When did you last get angry?
A few months ago, when someone lied about something. (Cue Murder She Wrote theme tune)
What have you lost that you’d like to get back?
A belief that humans are inherently good.
What’s your strongest childhood memory?
Being all dressed up for something, looking in the mirror, and realising I didn’t look like the fairy princesses from the cartoons.
Where do you come in your family’s birth order, and has this defined you?
If you look up middle-child syndrome in the dictionary, you’ll find a picture of me.
What do you expect to happen when you die?
I expect to rejoin the earth, dust to dust. But I hope for something beyond my wildest imagination.
When were you happiest?
Can’t choose one. My wedding day; when my children were born; when tests ruled out a serious illness for one of my children. But increasingly, I aim for contentment over happiness.
Which actor would play you in a biopic about your life?
Ryan Reynolds.
What’s your biggest career/personal regret?
Never writing that book. But who knows?
Have you any psychological quirks?
I hate being early. It makes me antsy, like I’ve wasted crucial minutes. I could have put the clothes on the line! As a result, I’m often late.