It’s that time of year again. Tell us about your worst (or best) Valentine’s date

Cringey, embarrassing, awkward: we want all the details

Is your favourite Valentine's story a firecracker or a damp squib? Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA Wire

As Leo Tolstoy famously wrote, all good dates are alike, but every bad date is bad in its own way.

And so, as the annual festival of awkward romantic gestures approaches, we want to hear about the bad ones: those terrible, disastrous, unforgettably cringey dates or romantic gestures. Immortalise them in writing, spare no details (except, possibly, names), and we will publish a selection of our favourite stories on February 14th.

If you have a tale of a particularly good date or romantic gesture, Valentine’s or otherwise, you can always submit that too. But it will need to be very interesting/extremely funny/incredibly heartbreaking to move our lovelorn hearts and make it into The Irish Times 4ever.

Get in touch! Use the form below to send us your Valentine’s message. Please keep submissions less than 400 words. Let us know if you would like to remain annonymous.