In Pictures: Mental and physical tests of the Defence Forces Gaisce Challenge

Group of young people embark on survival skills challenge at which they learn life-saving strategies such as how nature can be used to conceal and camouflage, and how to light fires in the wild

Camouflage paint at the ready, hardy participants in the Defence Forces Gaisce Challenge were tested mentally and physically in the challenging outdoor environment of Carnagh Range, Co Roscommon, over four days and three nights this week.

The specially selected group of 15-to-17-year-olds were brought across Lough Rea in a rigid hulled inflatable boat(RHIB), before embarking on a survival skills tutorial where they learned life-saving strategies such as how nature itself can be used to conceal and camouflage, and how to light a fire outside using minimal equipment.

The 30 young people from all over Ireland toughed it out in the wild in pursuit of Silver and Bronze Awards, learning endurance techniques from experienced Defence Forces personnel.

As our pictures show, they knocked plenty of fun out of the self-development programme as well. By the end of it they were tired but happy – and not an electronic device in sight.


Gaisce – The President’s Award was established in 1985 to mark the United Nations’ International Youth Year, while the Defence Forces has been involved in development and implementation of the Defence Forces Gaisce Challenge for more than 30 years.

Ellen O’Donoghue

Ellen O’Donoghue

Ellen O'Donoghue is an Irish Times journalist