What's up docks?

The boardwalk, the boat, the bridge - Dubliners have three good reasons to celebrate, with the imminent arrival of new riverside…

The boardwalk, the boat, the bridge - Dubliners have three good reasons to celebrate, with the imminent arrival of new riverside amenities


An extension to the Liffey boardwalk, this time on Eden Quay, is to open on March 17th. The Docklands Authority is renovating the quayside further east, so that eventually a walkway can continue as far as the Point. The authority also plans to demolish its own building opposite Jurys Inn in late 2005, to "give the quayside back to the people". As part of St Patrick's Festival, the "Luminarium" (a giant, inflatable, multicoloured maze) will be in George's Dock from March 16th to 20th. The fireworks display, Skyfest, will be held on Saturday, March 19th.



The Liffey Voyage boat (a tour service, not a river bus or taxi) is being built in Sweden and is to be delivered at the end of April. The Docklands Authority is tendering for an operator, and hopes to launch the service this summer.


The superstructure for the new pedestrian bridge - which will span the Liffey from the IFSC on the north side to Lombard Street on the south - arrives from Poland in March, and the bridge is due to open officially in May.

. . . and beyond

Plans continue to be made (and others scrapped) for the CHQ building at the edge of the financial services centre. A company part-owned by publican Hugh O'Regan has signed a leasehold for a large part of the ground floor, for "a range of leisure and dining uses". And the wine bar Ely plans to open a wine bar and restaurant in one of the vaults fronting on to the dock.

Nearby, the Dublin City Moorings marina (on the Liffey in front of Jurys Inn) is being rebuilt to accommodate bigger and more boats.

See also www.dublindocklands.ie


A pleasant oasis in the city centre is the plaza of the George's Quay office block next to Tara Street train station. There's a small Nude café, outdoor seating and glass-roofed smoking shelters.