Royal and cobalt blue will make you stand out from the autumn browns and greys during these darkening days
Opaque tights It's time, ladies. Rejoice.

Tara Flynn The comedian's new book You're Grand: The Irish Woman's Secret Guide to Life is out this week
Key West Signed to a US music label – catch them busking on Grafton Street while you still can
Baby boys Feels like there’s a lot of you being born around now, welcome to the world lads
Vanishing Art at Carton House Take a walk around the spectacular Co Kildare grounds before checking out this Irish art showcase (until Christmas Eve)
Windfalls Apples, pears, plums: stew em, bake em, slice em, steal em
Black and orange The colour combo is our least favourite thing about Hallowe'en
Doll nightmare The Conjuring prequel/unofficial Chucky sequel, Annabelle
Craft beer In the time you've spent faffing around with samples at the bar you could be on your second pint
Solid stuff Regressing to normal eating after costly three-day juice cleanse. That was just a total waste of hunger and money, wasn't it?
Liquorice jelly beans Awful shock when you bite into one
Buying essays online On many levels, it's not worth it kids