What’s Hot
Cummerbunds and corsages
. Debs season again.

Baby elephants
. There are two in Dublin zoo and they are only getting more adorable
Tandem Biking.
Sing along now; ‘Daaaiisy, daaaiisy’
Dyson Robots.
The king of all vaccum providers has just announced its making a vacuum robot. Praise to the cleaning gods.
LGBT groups allowed march on St Patricks Day.
New York should have changed this yonks ago, but better late than never.
What’s Cold
Grey and pale pink for autumn.
Falling over at glamorous parties.
Despite the fact that J Law and now Ms Delevingne have done it, we’re still not fans.
Referral madness
. Paying €60 at the doctors, to get a referral, to pay another doctor. Just stop.
Bee pollen.
We’re still holding out for that dewy skin Victoria Beckham said she got from guzzling the stuff, we’re not optimistic.
New boots break in.
Handbag of plasters at the ready
Katie Hopkins
. Hates fat people for ‘making’ her gain and attempt to lose 3.5 stone for a documentary. We’re not that keen on you either Katie.