"Fauxsumerism": Latest Millennial trend of browsing but not buying unless absolutely essential.
Skype's group video calls Now free for all users: enjoy awkward frozen-screen chats with up to 10 users at once

Another bank holiday: Nice to see you again
Dublin bike 10 pointer Managing to cycle your Dublin bike right into its lock
Leather-skinned lotharios To all the ones we've loved before. Julio Englesias is coming to the O2, next Thursday.
Garden furniture Of course I need four wooden chairs for my miniscule 'balcony'. Ah we can dream can't we?
Samorza Italian cheese Fried in a pan. Not we are not sharing.
Festival planning. We're making our list, checking it twice.
Drying conundrums The best drying weather in a year and the clothesline on your tiny balcony snaps
Online calanders No wi-fi, no password, no plans
Kate Moss for Topshop Dare we say it's a little trashy?
Not learning Leap Card basics and spending E2.50 per bus journey
Pollen Dust off that nasal spray
Yellow-box uneducateds You know you shouldn't have gone in there
Addressing any grown-up as 'dude': No. Never.