What’s hot and what’s not this week?

This week we’re liking ’Chelsea Does’ but we’ve had enough of neon running shoes


Women's Six Nations Get to Donnybrook today to support the current title holders; #coygig

Chinese New Year festivals Bring on the Year of the Monkey – and Chinese poetry on the Dart

Non-stop 90s On 88.1FM in Dublin. Rhythm, is in fact, a dancer


February 29th Start planning what to do on your bonus leap-year day now. Like watching Leap Year

Year-round fairy lights Outdoor only. A little bit of Christmas draped over laneways

'Chelsea Does . . .' The only true successor to Joan Rivers has a great four-part series on Netflix

Retro Guinness signs Nice to see the old design back outside pubs

1916 art Mick O'Dea's exhibition at the Royal Hibernian Academy manages to be both figurative and funky


Neon running shoes Bring back black. Or at least some other options

Crashing iPhone apps And it always seems to happen around iOS updates

Be Like Bill Annoying, tedious and childish Facebook meme

'Point Break' The remake is out next week. We're sticking with Keanu

Uni-no Ireland What's taking so long for Uniqlo to make it here?

Early Easter Whatever about the centenary of the Rising, it's hard to work off your selection box when Easter eggs are on the horizon

Mindfulness saturation When did taking time out become so stressful?