My Holidays

Chloe Agnew of Celtic Woman talks about her holidays

Chloe Agnew of Celtic Woman talks about her holidays

What's your earliest holiday memory?It was in Paris, in Disneyland. We were filming a holiday show for RTÉ. I had just turned four. My mum [ Twink] was pregnant with my sister, Naomi. She couldn't go on any of the rides, so my dad was dragged on all of them. It was a spectacular place, seeing every fairy-tale character. I can remember it vividly. They were all there - Mickey Mouse, Cinderella - and at night they had this wonderful parade. It had just opened at the time, and Mum was reviewing it.

What was your worst holiday?As cliched as it sounds, I don't think I have one. We missed two flights to Turkey once. I thought we would never get there. It was about 10 years ago. That was funny. The first missed flight was our own fault. We were delayed. The second flight we went to the wrong gate, I think. It was Fawlty Towers, disasterville. It was a miracle when we landed.

Your best holiday?I have had so many fantastic holidays with my family, but recently the best holiday was when I went InterRailing this summer with friends. I didn't think I'd get to go, but I grabbed two weeks with them. We started in Belgium, in Bruges, then we went to Amsterdam. I had the best time. It was living rough, hanging out. We had such a blast. I have spent so many years flying first class, but backpacking on a train, sleeping in tents, was fabulous.


If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?If I could get a private island somewhere in the Caribbean with white sands and blue seas - some place like that. I would love to fly all my family and friends there. I miss them so much when I spend so much time away touring.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?Apart from Mum and sister and friends, I love my animals. I would be lost without them. I'd bring all my animals, and I'd bring Dylan Moran, the comedian. I am a big fan. I could talk to him for hours and he'd keep me laughing.

Your favourite place in Ireland?There are so many beautiful places in Ireland, but the place that is truly special is the Dublin Mountains. We live in Rathfarnham. We've been going there for walks since we were children. It's one of my favourite places in the world. It's just heaven close to home.

What holiday reading would you recommend?I love learning languages, so I bring language books. Over the years I've taught myself some Japanese, some Italian.

Where to next?If we ever get a holiday - we are so busy. We are going to China next week, then to the States. Hopefully, we'll work it that we'll be home for Christmas. In our business you never know. You can never plan holidays. Greece is one of the places we've been meaning to go to.

In conversation with Catherine Foley