In Short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief

A round-up of today's other stories in brief

Love in the Maldives

Wedding vows are back in business in the Maldives – recently voted the world’s most romantic destination at the recent World Travel Awards.

Last October, a video of a couple being called “swine” and “infidels” in a so-called vows ceremony in the native language became a YouTube sensation watched by millions. Now the tourism authority there has introduced new regulations for its renewal of vows ceremonies, which must now be conducted in a language chosen by the couple, following either a set ceremony or personal vows.


Resorts are working hard to win back couples with a range of vows celebrations, including Maldivian traditions from drummers escorting the bride down the sandy aisle and a tree planting ceremony to commemorate the wedding to special touches such as a romantic sail on a traditional boat.

St Anton tops for ski resorts

St Anton in Austria has been crowned king of the European ski resorts by the latest edition of Which Ski Resort, winning top place on the table based on snow reliability, parks, off-piste, apres ski, nightlife, eating out and resort charm.