Let’s face it – even if you vehemently abhor smoking and all things cigarette related, chances are you spend a large part of your night out in the smoking section.
It’s sociable, you can hear, and thanks to the latest trendy spot where the bar, the dance floor and the smoking patio converge – that Health and Safety loophole known as an “awning”, it’s pretty impossible not to.
So technically this place should be a smoker’s free for all. However, if everyone is to get along swimmingly, let’s lay down a few ground rules. First, leave the obnoxious in-face exhales to chic Parisians. Even fellow smokers hate to splutter on second-hand smoke. Same goes for flaying arms, a lump of ash isn’t the ideal garnish for a €12 cocktail.

Social smokers, if you feel the urge for a pull after one glass of wine, come prepared. Asking if you can “borrow” one is essentially a smoking section sin. Smokers will miss the half that’s now on the ground because you’re feeling green and a little woozy. Waste not, want not – even with cigarettes.
If you’d prefer to avoid streaming eyes, holes in your clothes and waking up smelling like a Marlboro factory, it might actually be worth going inside. We swear we saw someone in there once, maybe.