One of the greatest triumphs in life is successfully calling “shotgun” on a long journey. You get to lollop about in the front seat, playing with the radio and generally enjoying an untainted view of the scenery while the poor unfortunates in the back fight for air between all the bags and arms and legs.
Everyone has different rules for calling “shotgun”. For some, the mere mention of a journey warrants a claim for the front seat and for the more reasonable among us, you have to see or touch the car. Whatever the rules, play fair. Nobody likes a cheater.
Once the rightful heir has won the shotgun throne there are things you should consider (with power comes responsibility and all that). Be sound and move your seat forward a reasonable amount. It’s hot back there. Some cars act as sound vortexes when the radio is on. You may be chinwagging away up front but we can’t hear a thing. Turn the music down so everyone knows what’s going on.

Speaking of radio control, the car is not a kingdom. You may press the buttons but majority rules on song choice. Better luck next time with the trance/trap remix your cousin made.
Finally, be weary of those who claim to suffer from carsickness. Calling their bluff is a dodgy came to play – particularly in a two-door. Is the front seat is really worth it? Rachel Murphy