Tell us what's making you happy by emailing or tweet us using #IrishTimesHappy Here's what's making you happy this week
Spotting this little fella (squirrel, pictured) is putting a smile on my face – Mary
Finding a charity shop as I stroll around a new town – Sheila
Planning a big birthday surprise for my mum who absolutely loves surprises – Daniel
Somebody crashed into me at traffic lights yesterday, and the only damage was a cracked licence plate and a stiff neck. Thought the car was concertinaed. I can only assume all my magical Repeal and Michael D bumper stickers saved me – Doris
My new kitchen tablecloth (pictured below) – Doreen

I’ve been giving some really interesting writing work lately and had a couple of poems accepted for publication in a collection, which has me super happy – Saoirse