“I love my hair and my tattoos because they were my ‘fuck you’ to the riot police, to the Egyptian regime, to the patriarchy generally and to anyone who thinks they can silence feminist revolutionaries who are freeing us all,” says flame-haired Egyptian feminist writer, Mona Eltahawy.
“I also make fucking amazing coffee,” she told The Irish Times Women’s Podcast as part of the Self Esteem episode.
This week’s show turns the traditional New Year’s resolution on its head and has gathered women of all ages to share what it is they like about themselves, instead of focusing on what they need to change in 2017.

Here are a few of the highlights:
“What I like about myself is my generosity. I would give someone the shirt off my back, even if the person didn’t need a shirt, which sometimes does happen.” – Writer and creator of RTÉ’s Can’t Cope, Won’t Cope, Stefanie Preisner.
"I think I take the important things seriously but I try not to take myself too seriously and I hope I can laugh at myself." – Amy Huberman, actor and writer.
“What I like about myself is that I’m 56 years old and I feel that I’ve proved what I need to prove and I don’t have to do that anymore.” – Anne Furedi, head of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.
"I'm kind. If there's an opportunity for me to help in a situation, I always will. I also like that I'm intuitive and empathetic. I understand people and situations very quickly and I also like that I always stand my round." – Author, Marian Keyes.
“I’m still here, still fighting fit. I like that as the years have gone by I’ve become even more of a feminist than when I was younger and I love that we have this fantastic movement fighting for the repeal of the eighth amendment. I’m so pleased and delighted to be part of that.” – Alibhe Smyth, convenor of the Coalition to Repeal the 8th Amendment.
“I like my courage. It has brought me to the most interesting places and into the most interesting moments in my life. And to say I like it is strange, because in Ireland we aren’t comfortable saying what we like about ourselves. But it’s also strange because courage is complicated. Sometimes my courage is a bit naive, a bit mad and terrifying.” – Simone George, lawyer and activist.
“I don’t know if this sounds a bit weird to say about myself but I really enjoy my own sense of humour… I don’t know if it’s the done thing to say, ‘I am so effing funny’, but anyway, I am so effing funny.” – Journalist, Tanya Sweeney.
We want to hear what you like about yourself.
Email thewomenspodcast@irishtimes.com or message us on Facebook or Twitter @ITWomensPodcast.
Individual episodes of the podcast are available on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and on irishtimes.com.