Niamh (33), from Tramore, Co Waterford, met Glasgow-born Brendan (34) on a night out in Brisbane where there were both backpacking.
He asked her on a date that same night and, on Christmas Eve 2014, on the way to Mass in Waterford, Brendan asked Niamh’s father PJ for his blessing in asking Niamh to marry him.
The proposal was delayed for a few days after illness struck but they were finally fit to take a walk on the beach where Brendan proposed at Newtown Cove.

Was it difficult having to plan all the wedding details from several thousand miles away? "Our parents – my mum Monica and my dad, and Brendan's mum Kathleen – were a great help throughout the year," said Niamh who returned to Ireland a year before to book the venue, wedding band and flowers, using Irish wedding websites as her guide.
Late in August, Niamh and Brendan were married by Msgr O’Mahony at Our Lady’s Church, Carbally.
Pipers played For the Love of Princess as the bride and her father walked the aisle.
The newlyweds' first dance at Waterford Castle was to Rod Stewart's You're in My Heart and wedding band Craddog got everyone on the dance-floor for the Siege of Ennis.
On the way back to their home in Brisbane, Niamh and Brendan mini-mooned in Dubai.
Photograph: James Hearne Photography,