Christmas soundbites we can’t stop ourselves saying

“So... are you all set for Christmas?”

Many of us flatter ourselves that we have original minds but there are some stock phrases we can find ourselves relying on every Christmas, even though we know we shouldn’t. How many on the list below have you resorted to so far?

1. “Are you all set for Christmas?"

Most likely to be said: From December 1st onwards to just about everyone you come across when there's an awkward pause in the conversation.

2. “ I’ve got nothing done”


Most likely to be said: By people who have all their presents bought by the beginning of October and the house redecorated by early December.

3. “It just doesn’t feel Christmassy, does it?

Most likely to be said: By anyone trying too hard to get into the Christmas mood.

4. “It’s really a time for the children”

Most likely to be said: By anyone making excuses to relatives as they announce plans to escape somewhere hot and sunny for Christmas .

5. “You can’t beat the Morecambe & Wise Christmas special it’s just timeless entertainment”

Most likely to be said: to your older relatives to earn you some brownie points

6. “This year, I’m not getting caught up in all the madness”

Most likely to be said: some weeks before you find yourself swept up by all the madness...again.

7. “Once Christmas is over with, I‘m definitely getting back on track with my diet."

Most likely to be said: As you guzzle down your hundreth mince pie smothered in double cream.

8 “Ah, come on, where’s your Christmas spirit?"

Most likely to be said: By your annoying relative who has had one drink too many, is pushing your buttons and can sense your growing irritation.

9 “We can’t leave it until next Christmas to meet up”

Most likely to be said: to someone you definitely won't see again until next Christmas forces your paths to cross.

10. “Is Santa bringing you anything nice?”

Most likely to be said: When you are dying to boast about the very expensive present Santa is about to bring you.

11. “Children today get far too much”

Most likely to be said: By the parents of those children as they trudge around Smyths in the run up to Christmas.

12. "Next year we’re getting an artificial tree"

Most likely to be said: While sawing off part of a tree trunk with carving knife.