Like the popular girl in school, Instagram doesn’t follow the trends, it sets them. Unlike the popular girl is school, everyone is welcome to join in. The photo app has grown twice as fast as Twitter in only three years and retailers are falling over themselves to set up accounts and hook up with already beloved “gramers”. Through filtered photos of beautiful products, hashtags and (not so) understated endorsements, desire is surreptitiously created where there previously was none. The fashion set can tweet, vlog, vine and snapchat all the live long day, but as the popular girl might say “take a photo (and filter it), it’ll last longer”.
1) Humberto Leon @ Humbertotoo Leon's pop-fuelled, streetwise style can be seen throughout his Instagram pics (as can other purveyors of cool such as Chloe Sevigney). Having risen from running his own boutique in 2002, to being creative director of Kenzo last year, his account is full to the brim of eye candy.
2) Alexa Chung @chungalexa We love Alexa's effortless style and with nearly one million Insta followers, it seems others do to. Expect photos of ridiculously cool outfits, friends and life in general.

3) Donald Robertson @donalddrawbertson One of the founders of MAC cosmetics, and head of creative development at Bobbi Brown, Robertsons New York life is oh so stylish. He is also a formidable "doodler" and his entertaining art hangs in the salons of many a New York socialite.
4) Ari Seth Cohen @advancedstyle With a book out and talk of a movie on the way, Cohen is quickly becoming the voice of a generation – the over-sixties that is. His Instagram account aims to "capture the sartorial savvy of the senior set". We only wish we could be so glam.
5) Tavi Gevinson @tavitulle At the other end of the scale, Gevinson, (below), came to attention for her fashion blogging at the age of 12, and by 15 had founded Rookie magazine. Having been hailed by Lady Gaga as "the future of journalism" the teenager is now mixing fashion with other creative pursuits and her Instagram account fizzes with chic teenage excitement.
Dominique McMullan