Share your story: Is your return to college going smoothly?

We would like to hear about your experience

After a brief hiatus last year, the annual, frantic search for accommodation is back in full flow in towns and cities across Ireland, as students return to third-level education.

Hectic and daunting at the best of times for students (and their parents), the ongoing pandemic has added to the logistics and costs of going to college.

The Irish Times would like to hear about your experience beginning, or returning to, academic life.

What has it been like securing accommodation?
How often will you, or your son or daughter, be on campus?
Is there clarity on course start-times and college schedules?
What are costs like?
Have you any particular worries about going (or sending your child) to third-level education at the moment?


Some of the submissions will be published on

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Thank you.

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen is Health & Family Editor of The Irish Times