The furniture in properties for sale rarely rates a mention, after all, it’s the four walls that’s for sale, not the contents. However, in 4 Shrewsbury Court it’s worth noting – not because the furniture is for sale but because it is grand in scale and style and clearly the contents of a substantial period family home that had been brought to the 184sq m (1,981sq ft) apartment when the owner was downsizing some 15 years ago.

That the furniture, including large mirrors and paintings, fit and look completely at home reflects the scale and roominess of this three-bed Ballsbridge duplex.
Spacious layout
There are just eight apartments in this small 1980s block built at 50 Ailesbury Road on a corner site, and number 4, a duplex, is the largest. Inside it is laid out like a spacious two-storey house.

There’s a wide hall with a curving staircase (now fitted with a stairlift), the living and dining area are open plan and behind a door cleverly concealed by an antique screen is the kitchen. A large study – a rare find in an apartment – is lined with bookshelves and features an attractive fireplace.
Upstairs are three double bedrooms, each with an en suite, and there is also a separate bathroom. The building’s design features floor-to-ceiling windows so the living rooms are bright.

Aside from general decoration buyers will probably do some renovation, including updating the kitchen and bathrooms.

The apartment comes with two parking spaces and it’s clearly a well-kept, quiet development. The annual service charge for number 4 is €4,500. The executors’ sale of number 4 is being handled by Lisney, asking €1.4 million. Sherry FitzGerald has gone sale agreed on number 6, a 76sq m, one-bed unit in the development which came on the market asking €550,000.