Event looks at ways of thinking – and building – outside the box

Nimble Spaces international conference takes place in Carlow’s Visual Centre for Contemporary Art on May 1st

"It's very difficult to build neighbourhoods in Ireland that are not led by property developers," says Rosie Lynch, co-organiser of the forthcoming Nimble Spaces Conference.

We all need to live somewhere, she says, but how can we build neighbourhoods that are inclusive and offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of their differing abilities?

If you’re someone with particular housing needs, then Nimble Spaces, which takes place in Carlow’s Visual Centre for Contemporary Art on May 1st, is the place to be.

The international event includes contributions from Guatemalan architect and advocate Teddy Cruz, Studio Weave architects from London, and Aaron Kauffman from New York.


Lynch uses the examples of Dublin City Council’s Dublin House Project (dublincity.ie/ dublin-house-project), and the Cloughjordan Ecovillage (thevillage. ie) as examples of different thinking in action.

The organisers are currently welcoming proposals for discussion topics and workshops. So if you’re an artist, student, architect/designer, researcher, group or an association tackling a particular housing issue, they’re looking for innovative thinking, projects and lived experience to contribute to the day.

If you’d like to contribute, send a 250-word outline of your proposal by 5pm on March 24th to info@nimble spaces.org.

Nimble Spaces is organised in association with Visual, Camphll Communities, Maynooth University, and DIT, and supported by Irish Design 2015 and the Arts Council.