Share your story: Teenagers, how are you getting on at the moment?

The Irish Times would like to hear from young people about how they are coping

Even at the best of times, the voices of young people are often ignored and dismissed. And, over the past year, it seems the views and concerns of pre-teens and teenagers have been shoved even further into the background – with young people often reported and discussed only in the context of parenting or teaching.

In today's Irish Times, 14-year-old Charlotte Clinton Murray writes about how she feels she is losing her 'teenage years and missing so many opportunities'.

And we would also like to know how other teenagers are getting on.

How are you coping with lockdown?


What are the positives and negatives?

What are the issues concerning you at the moment?

What are your fears, for you, family and/or your friends?

If you are under 18, please ensure you have permission to share your story with us. A selection of the responses will be published on

If you are reading this on The Irish Times app, please go here to make your contribution.

Thank you.