Working fathers: what are your biggest parenting challenges?

As Father’s Day approaches, we want to hear from Working Dads

The struggles, juggles and joys of being a working dad. Photograph: istock

It’s Father’s Day on Sunday. While we hear a lot about the struggles, juggles and joys of working mothers, working fathers can often be left out of the conversation. So we want to hear from fathers about the aspects of parenting you find difficult and the things you feel you are doing well.

Do you find it difficult to balance work and homelife? Does your workplace allow any flexibility to deal with family issues? Do you feel you can talk freely at work about your parenting duties and how you manage them, or is that easier for your colleagues who are working mothers? What are your biggest parenting challenges as a father, and how do you deal with them? And what are your proudest achievements?

Have your say (max 200 words) using this form. Please attach a photograph if you have one, and let us know who is in it, too.

A selection of responses may be published on in advance of Father’s Day.


Thank you.