Health Scan: Ronan O’Neill

Ronan O’Neill: ‘I’m not a fan of sitting in front of the TV.’

Do you have a healthy lifestyle? In general I do. I like to get out and run and cycle as much as I can, particularly when the weather is good. I'm not a fan of sitting in front of the TV. That's probably to do with sitting at a computer all day. I'd like to eat a bit more healthily. It takes a lot of planning to eat as healthily as I'd like during the day, which is not always possible.

How often do you exercise? I cycle to and from work each day. I like to exercise at least every second day, whether it's a jog or a cycle or some circuit training. I've had a busy year at work this year and haven't trained as much as I would have liked. And I've had a few football injuries.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? Yes, most days, although I do wish there were more good salad bars around Smithfield, where I work. Do you worry? Everybody worries from time to time but I have my health, my family and friends, and my job so I don't have much to worry about in the grand scheme of things.

How do you relax? I head out on the bike. It's great for clearing the head. I like going out for dinner in new restaurants and I enjoy going to the cinema.


What's your worst habit? Agreeing to too many things and ending up putting myself under a bit of pressure. I need to manage my time a little bit better. Hitting the snooze button too many times is probably my worst habit of all.

Ronan O’Neill is joining more than 50 cyclists in the annual Equinox Charity Cycle, a 230km bike ride from Dublin to Youghal on Saturday, September 27th, in aid of Temple Street Children’s University Hospital and acquired brain injury charity Headway. To donate, see

Colin Gleeson