Health Scan: Monica O’Byrne

Monican O’Byrne: loves to eat out and enjoy a glass of wine in the company of friends and family.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? Overall, I like to think I'm quite healthy. I eat well, I exercise as much as I can and I try to maintain a positive mental attitude. I am very aware of myself, and if I feel I've overindulged I'll get to the gym.

How often do you exercise? I try to exercise at least three times a week. I like to change my exercise regime regularly so that I don't get bored. I might go through a few weeks of going for a brisk walk.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? I'm lucky in that I love fruit and vegetables so it's not too difficult for me to get my five a day. I will always start the day with muesli and a piece of fruit, usually a banana or berries when they are in season. Lunch can be a bit rushed but when I find the time I try to incorporate a side of greens. I usually eat dinner quite late so I'll opt for something light such as a vegetable stir-fry.

Do you worry? I do. Everyone does to an extent: it's human nature, after all. As a parent I worry most about my daughter, especially when it comes to the all-important exam time. At work, I worry sometimes about decisions I need to make in my role such as spend on a certain project or the rollout of particular campaigns.


What do you do to relax? I love to eat out and enjoy a nice glass of wine in the company of friends and family. I think quality time with loved ones is the most important thing for down time.

What's your worst habit? I'm very aware that my professional life is demanding with out-of-hours events and a busy day-to-day schedule, so I try to counteract this by pre-planning time with my family and friends. However, this never seems to work in my favour and I end up having to cancel plans, which I hate doing. Thankfully, it's something I'm getting better at.

Monica O’Byrne is director of sales and marketing at Carton House, hotel, spa, golf club and restaurants.