Health Scan: Kate Carbery

Kate Carbery: ‘Sometimes every hour of my day is full and I get to a point every few weeks where I crash.’

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? I don't lead a particularly healthy lifestyle. I am very active, in that I race around after two children all day. I eat a fairly balanced diet, though I've an unhealthy appetite for crisps and need to eat more vegetables.

On busy days I have been known to grab a ham sandwich on the go for lunch and that could be it until dinner time. I am mostly happy and almost always grateful for what I have, so that certainly contributes to good mental health.

How often do you exercise? I used to take very regular power walks with my sister in the evenings and do Pilates classes. Since the birth of my second child, seven months ago, I haven't had any regular exercise apart from activities with my kids.

I am still searching for a way to exercise that is enjoyable. I will find it one of these days.


My latest idea is tennis. Maybe a bit of competition would motivate me.

That being said, I am rarely sedentary during my days; I don't sit down that often. Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? Usually, yes.

Do you worry? I worry much less now than I used to. That has come with age, I suspect. I usually notice anxiety when it creeps up on me, identify the cause and either make a change or accept it. It works for me.

What do you do to relax? Read a book or the paper. Watch TV. To be honest, if I have time without my children, a deadline for interviews or something related to my book, I go to bed. What's your worst habit? I overfill my days with activities and meeting people. Sometimes every hour of my day is full and I get to a point every few weeks where I crash. I rest, get back up and start all over again. I'm not sure I will ever change.

Kate Carbery is author of Becoming Mum, a reference book for new and expectant mothers, which gives personal accounts and advice from dozens of mothers on the issues associated with childbirth and the early months of motherhood.