1) On Tuesday, August 13, Hurling for Cancer Research will take place at 6pm in St Conleth's Park, Newbridge, Co Kildare. The event has been organised for the eighth year in a row by horseracing's Jim Bolger and Davy Russell. To date, the event has raised more than €700,000 for the Irish Cancer Society's cancer Research programme. Admission is €10, with a family ticket just €15.
2) The annual Boots Night Walks for Night Nurses take place in Dublin and Cork this month. The walks aim to raise much needed funds for the Irish Cancer Society's Night Nurse Service, which provides free care to cancer patients in their own home, as well as giving respite for the family caring for them. The walks will take place in Dublin's Phoenix Park on Friday, August 16th at 7.30pm and in Blackrock Castle, Cork on Friday, August 23rd at 7pm. Tickets for the 5km walk cost €15 (under-16s go free). Each adult ticket comes with a free t-shirt. To book, see eventbrite.ie

3) Dublin Youth Chamber Choir were named champions of the European Choir Games in the Youth Choir category at the European Choir Games in Gothenburg, Sweden. The choir were awarded two gold medals, one for the international Grand Prix, and a gold diploma for their performances. Dublin Youth Choir was the only choir representing Ireland out of the 171 choirs and 6,300 participants from 47 nations who took part in the games.
Read: Singing the benefits of a musical education for all
4) Dogs Trustival takes place on Sunday, August 18th from noon to 5pm at the Dogs Trust Rehoming Centre, Ashbourne Road, Finglas, Dublin. Entertainment will include live music, dog training displays and market stalls - with proceeds going to Dogs Trust Ireland. Tickets are €8 (child) & €15 (adult), with a family ticket for €35 (2+2). See eventbrite.ie for tickets.
5) The Pieta 100 cycling challenge, now in its fifth year, will take place on Sunday, August 18th and Sunday, September 29th. On August 18th, the event - which offers participants a choice of a 50km or a 100km route - starts and finishes in Leixlip Amenities, Co Kildare. On September 29th, the Pieta 100 Cycle Limerick is from Mungret St Paul's GAA Club, while, the same day, the Cork edition is from Scoil Mhairtin, Kilworth. The cycle raises funds for Pieta's free suicide prevention and intervention services. For more information and to register to take part, see pieta100cycle.com
6) The Irish Cancer Society is urging people to get moving as part of its virtual Marathon in a Month campaign, which challenges volunteers to clock up 42 kilometres in 31 days. Participants can complete the distance of a marathon in any way they chose; walking, running, hiking, swimming or cycling. By registering, they're given an everydayhero online fundraising page, this links to their fitness app, keeping track of their progress as they raise money to help the 40,000 people in Ireland who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. Last year, €90,000 was raised with this campaign. For more information, or to register, visit cancer.ie/marathoninamonth
7) The National Diabetes Cup takes place at the National Sports Campus in Abbotstown on Saturday, August 24th from 10am-4pm. For boys and girls aged 4-15, Diabetes Ireland says it "provides a great way for your son or daughter to meet and play with other young people living with Type 1 Diabetes". Entry is €25 (which includes lunch and a t-shirt), see diabetes.ie for more details, or call (01)
8) Trauma Response Network Ireland presents "a comprehensive approach for the early EMDR intervention/EMDR response for mass trauma events" at Dublin Fire Brigade Training Centre, Malahide Road, Marino, Dublin 5 on Saturday, August 31st and Sunday, September 1st. The two-day training workshop, presented by Elan Shapiro – a psychologist and EMDR Institute facilitator and consultant – is a training event to equip participants with cutting edge EMDR protocols for recent trauma and mass trauma events. These protocols can also be used effectively for the treatment of on-going disturbing events whether historical or recent. The cost is €225 for the two days. To book, contact Sonjia - (01) 902 5020, trnireland@gmail.com
9) The Health Research Board - Trials Methodology Research Network (HRB-TMRN) based in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at NUI Galway has launched a new initiative, The People's Trial, which challenges the public to get involved in creating, designing and running their own fun clinical trial. The aim of this study is to help create a greater understanding of the clinical trial process, so that the public can be better informed as to why we need clinical trials and also how they can be used to answer a question. For more details, see thepeoplestrial.ie or email info@thepeoplestrial.ie and hrb-tmrn@nuigalway.ie.
10) Aware, which provides support, education and information services for those impacted by depression and bipolar disorder, is urgently seeking new volunteers across three services - Support Line, Support Mail and Life Skills Online. No prior qualifications or experience is required, as comprehensive training, as well as ongoing support and education, is provided by the organisation. For more information, visit aware.ie/volunteering or call (01) 661 7211.
11) The 2019 IHF Camino Challenge takes place from September 15th-21st in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF). This year, participants will be embarking on The Finisterre Camino (118km) - five days of walking through the beautiful coastline and unspoilt landscape of Galicia in Spain. The Finisterre Camino begins in the city of Santiago de Compostela and the goal of the journey is the legendary Cape Finisterre, once believed to be the world's most westerly point. For more information about taking on the IHF Camino, contact Louise at louise.mccarron@hospicefoundation.ie or 01 679 3188.
12) The Annual Medical Careers Day takes place Saturday, October 5th at Dublin's Aviva Stadium. The event is a joint initiative between the Health Service Executive (HSE), The Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies and the Irish Medical Council. The programme for the day covers working and training in Ireland in all of the medical specialities. This free event highlights the range of excellent training and broad spectrum of career opportunities open to medical graduates in Ireland. The event features career planning seminars, presentation, workshops, career clinics and information stands for each postgraduate training body. Attendees will learn about training programmes available and have the opportunity to speak with senior trainees and consultants to find out what life is like working in the different specialties. Register at medcareers2019.eventbrite.ie
13) The inaugural St Kevin's Way 25km Challenge will take place on Sunday, October 6th, with the aim of raising €50,000 for children's charity Barretstown. The walking route is through the scenic hills and varied landscapes of Wicklow, with participants welcome to enter individually or as part of a team of four. Registration on the day will be held in The Brockagh Centre, Laragh. The registration fee is €50 for an individual or €175 for a team of four. All those participating are asked to raise an additional €100 for donation to Barretstown. For more details, visit barretstown.org/events/st-kevins-way-challenge or contact Donna at (045) 864 115 or fundraising@barretstown.org.
14) The Pigsback 5k/10k Run in aid of the Marie Keating Foundation takes place on October 13th at the Dublin's Phoenix Park. Whether you are an experienced runner or simply want to get out for a walk, it's time to lace up and join the fight against breast cancer. Tickets (€25) can be found at mariekeating.ie/events
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