1) Children in Hospital Ireland are holding their annual lecture next Monday, March 12th in Trinity College School of Nursing & Midwifery on D'Olier St, Dublin 2 from 6pm. Guest speaker is Barbara Wren, psychologist and author of True Tales of Organisational Life (2016), The lecture will focus on building and maintaining resilience while working with children in hospital. Admission is free, but booking is required.
2) Author and parenting coach Stella O'Malley will give a talk to parents and teenagers on positive body image on Tuesday, March 13th at 6.30pm in the Lexicon Library, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin. Her talk will look at how a poor body image can lead to self-consciousness and anxiety and how it's important to control our negative thoughts to have a better sense of self in both body and mind. Admission free.
3) Prof Alexandre Kalache, former director of the World Health Organisation's global Ageing and Life Course programme is the keynote speaker at the Age Friendly Universities international conference, March 13th-14th in Croke Park, Dublin. Organised by Dublin City University, the theme is Engaging Ageing, with an emphasis on research, policy and practice. See dcu.ie/agefriendly
4) Women on Walls is a joint initiative between the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) and Accenture to enhance the visibility of historical female leaders in medicine. Artists are invited to enter an open call for the commissioning of a series of new portraits of eight significant female graduates for the RCSI board room on St Stephen's Green. Details at 01-402 2218 and rcsi.ie

5) Up to 2,000 people are expected to walk from Howth Harbour to Dún Laoghaire Harbour (or the other way) on St Patrick's Day for the 13th annual Harbour2Harbour Walk to raise funds for mental health organisation, Aware. The 26km walk will take participants along the scenic Dublin Bay route with a "Halfway Hooley" hosted at the Dublin Port Company's newly-opened public plaza. Register for €25 on aware.ie/events.
6) A retreat offering support for women with peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms (including dizziness, palpitations, loss of libido, painful heavy breasts and periods, weight gain, hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings) will be held in the Bobbio Centre, Brittas Bay, Co Wicklow from March 23th-25th. Activities include vegetarian cookery classes and Tai Chi/Qi Gong sessions. See joannefaulkner.org/retreats
7) Let's Talk Autism Ireland will host a day-long conference in the Crowne Plaza, Blanchardstown on Saturday, March 10th. Topics covered will include anxiety in children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorder, as well as dietary and supplement advice. Speakers will include Dr Goodwin McDonnell (integrative GP), Karen O'Connor (consultant speech and language therapist and director of services at the Child Development Centre) and Dr Amy Herlihy (specialist in autism and nutritional medicine). Event begins at 9.30am and tickets are €35, eventbrite. bit.ly/2GQvfr2
8) The Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI) supported by First 1000 Days will host a medical symposium to discuss the importance of toddler nutrition on Thursday, March 8th. The event will be chaired by Dr Janette Walton of Cork Institute of Technology who has overall responsibility for the dietary survey research activity in Ireland. She will be joined by international experts Dr Julie Langan from University College London and Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Prof Ruurd van Elburg, professor of early nutrition at the University of Amsterdam and Sue Cullen and Eva Mills from Preparing for Life research project, Darndale.
9) A public awareness event about dementia and neurodegeneration will take place in University College Cork on Saturday, March 10th. 'Brain Connections: Dementia and Neurodegeneration Research in UCC' will take place at UCC's Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork from 1pm to 4pm. The event is organised by DNNI (Dementia and Neurodegeneration Network Ireland) in association with the Cork NeuroScience Centre (CNSC). Tickets are free through Eventbrite or contact Carol Rogan, DNNI Scientific Coordinator (01 428 4531, carol.rogan@alzheimer.ie).
10) The Burrenbeo Trust Learning Landscape Symposium 2018 takes place from 9-11 March in Kinvara, Co. Galway. It is open to anyone interested in learning about engaging with place and community, including teachers, parents, heritage specialists, and outdoor and environmnental educators. For bookings, questions and any further information, please see www.burrenbeo.com or contact info@burrenbeo.com or 091 638096.
11) Lymphoedema Ireland will hold an open day in the Ashling Hotel, Parkgate St, Dublin on Saturday, March 10th, from 10am-4pm. Health professionals will talk about coping with long term illness and the importance of exercise and looking after your skin. Sufferers of Lymphoedema will share their personal experiences. See lymphireland.com or email info@lymphireland.com or call/text 087 693 4964 to reserve a place.