Pitch perfect: how to build a food business

Domini Kemp, Rosanna Davison and Garrett Fitzgerald share the secrets of their success at a free seminar in Dublin

If you want to know how to succeed at something, ask someone who has done it. Cafe owners Domini Kemp and Garrett Fitzgerald fit the bill perfectly to talk about Building and Growing Your Food Business, and model and nutritional therapist Rosanna Davison will also bring her experience to the table at an event in Dublin on Friday morning.

The panel discussion features on the programme of events at the Dublin Book Festival (November 10-13th), and all three speakers have recently published food titles with Gill Books.


Itsa and Alchemy food companies co-founder Domini Kemp's The Ketogenic Kitchen, written with nutritional therapist, Patricia Daly, recently entered the bestseller lists on amazon.com.

Garrett Fitzgerald's The Brother Hubbard Cookbook, inspired by the food served at his Capel Street cafe, is one of the autumn season's most successful food titles.


Rosanna Davison’s Eat Yourself Beautiful addresses the questions the model and fitness enthusiast has most often been asked in the course of her career in front of the camera.

Perfect pitch

Devising a perfect pitch to attract investment; things to do, and to avoid when you’re starting out with a food business, and building a brand online through social media and blogging, are some of the topics that will be covered.

The session will be chaired by Catherine Moonan of Dragon's Den and author of The Pitch Coach: Your Guide to Presenting, Interviewing and Public Speaking. It will run from 9am to 1.30pm at The Boys' School, Smock Alley Theatre in Dublin 2, and is free to attend, but places should be reserved online in advance here.