Do you make the best crisp sandwich in Ireland? Tell us about it

If your Irish stew is legendary, or your coddle the food of champions, let us know

The contentious crisp sandwich: should you use butter, or horror of horrors, mayonnaise, as Jamie Dornan did recently?

King or Tayto? Neck or shoulder? Carrots or not? Cabbage or kale? By now you probably realise we are asking about the best way – your way – to make some traditional Irish dishes. In honour of St Patrick’s Day, we are asking for your tips on how to put together the very best of a selection of time-honoured Irish food favourites.

First, the contentious crisp sandwich. What type of bread is best, and once you've chosen your crisps, do you add them whole, or crush them? Should you use butter, or horror of horrors, mayonnaise, as Jamie Dornan did recently when making his version, the Tayto Smashie, live on US television? Not to mention his additional sliced ham.

Irish stew is another melting pot of controversy; some swear by using lamb neck, while others prefer shoulder, and if you find yourself asking, what would Darina do, the answer is gigot chops. Can you add a small amount of pearl barley as well as potato (what variety of potato), and are carrots essential or extraneous?

What could be better than a big bowl of buttery mash? A big bowl of colcannon, or of champ. But what are the best greens to use - cabbage, kale or scallions? And what potatoes do the job best?


As for that Dublin favourite, coddle, the crux seems to be whether or not to brown the sausages. And carrots can be a controversial addition here, though their sweetness could be a very good thing.

Over to you, our expert cooks and eaters. What is your favourite among these much loved national dishes (and one honourable snack).

How do you make yours, what makes it special to you, and what tips or tricks can you share with us, please?

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