Birkenstocks are ugly but hot, doughnut-shaped chicken nuggets are not

Hot: Libraries will soon be open until 10pm every day. Not: self-service tills are killing chat

What’s Hot

Most libraries will be open seven days a week and until 10pm under a newly launched strategy

The original ugly-cool sandal is everywhere this summer

The Belfry food trucks
The Stoneybatter pub's sun-trap side area houses the Taco Truck (Monday-Wednesday) and Village Pizza (Thurday-Sunday)

Instagram is going after YouTube with its new long-form (vertical) video feature


Come on Home
Phillip McMahon's new play on the Peacock Stage at the Abbey July 13th-August 4th

Big house, small festival
Groove at Killruddery House in Bray, and Bare at Borris House in Carlow next weekend

The Staircase
Another one for true crime TV fans on Netflix

What’s Not

Summer schools
MacGill hasn't done the talking shops any favours

Cashmere, silk, mohair, feathers
Asos is banning them all on its site from January 2019

Concert freebies
Great for blaggers, not so great for those who've already paid

A doughnut-shaped chicken nugget and the reason such food mash-ups need to end

Festival clashes
So many parties in fields, it's a pity loads of them are on at the same time

Will we ever get to talk to anyone while shopping ever again?