This week we headed to Galway where we met Byron Yeates. Yeates works in Ard Bia restaurant but will soon be moving to Berlin to continue working on his DJ career. Mixing vintage, high street and independent designs, his apparently laid-back style has been carefully curated.
Tell us about your outfit today
The jacket is vintage and is from Public Romance in Galway. I bought it about four years ago for 50 quid. The trousers I bought yesterday for €48 in Topman. The shoes I got online for about €70. My jumper is from StarStyling, an amazing shop in Berlin. They created some pieces for the Drop Everything festival – the foil piece is in the shape of Inis Oirr on the Aran Islands.

The scarf is from the Aran Sweater market and was about €38 and my palm tree pin was a gift from a friend.
How would you describe your personal style?
My style is pretty casual. Lately, I’ve been trying to be as comfortable as possible.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Relocating to Berlin.
Photographs: Katie McLaughlin Robinson