Elizabeth Arden, 8hr Face Moisturiser
It has an SPF, absorbs quickly, and your skin feels like silk.
Kiehls Midnight Recovery Serum
This is one of the best presents I have ever been given. You put it on before you go to sleep, and you can really see the difference in the morning.
Lorna Farrelly Brow Artist
She's a wizard at shaping and is so good people have asked me have I had work done.
Bond No. 9 scent
I love it, it's distinctive and lasts forever. It's subtle, too. During the day
I like Jo Malone Amber & Lavender Cologne.
Bioskin MicroDermabrasion
Great for giving your skin a boost and giving it a great texture. I go to Bellaza Beauty in Ranelagh.
I Can’t live without...
Joanne Rochford , Md | Invoke pr & events