The tree is the star, dahhhling. Mariah Carey, 2016. Photograph: mariacarey/Instagram

'Mum, do we have to wear the outfits?' Joan Collins and helpers, 2017. Photograph: joancollins/Instagram

'No one smile. No one!' Drake, 2016. Photograph: champagnepapi/Instagram

Katy Perry – clearly a big fan of Elf, 2018. Photograph: katyperry/Instagram

Queen B with her tree, 2016. Photograph: beyonce/Instagram

Khloé Kardashian, daughter True and whole lot of tulle, 2018. Photograph: khloekardashian/Instagram

Do you think Will Smith and family would adopt us? Pictured here in 2018. Photograph: willsmith/Instagram

Kourtney Kardashian Keeps Up With (Santa) Klaus, 2018. Photograph: kourtneykardashian/Instagram

Mariah Carey and actual live reindeer, 2018. Photograph: mariahcarey/Instagram

Tyra Banks is on fleek, 2018. Photograph: tyrabanks/Instagram

David Beckham is doing what we all do when we're home alone on Christmas Eve, 2018. Photograph: davidbeckham/Instagram – Guardian