When you think about it, false tan must be one of the worst products ever invented. The possibilities for catastrophe are endless, as the difficulty of application can lead to streaks, missed bits (white side-boob, for instance), unnatural colour and the reek of stale digestives.
It all means that fake-tan mishaps are more common than a Coast dress at a wedding. Walking around like John Wayne for more than 20 minutes, waiting for the cream to dry, only to discover that you’ve dyed the palms of your hands bright orange, is no fun either.

DHA (the colour-developing chemical used in self-tan products) smells horrible, and despite mass tinkering with the formulas, rarely looks anything but orange on the skin. It’s no wonder that sales of false tan are in rapid decline, even in Ireland, where we still can’t seem to accept that most of us are not naturally blessed with sallow skin.
Thankfully, we are finally embracing the pale and realising that it is actually a lot better to choose foundation that matches our necks and that we don’t need to be tangoed every time we go to a big event.
Sticking with a light shade works best for most people, because it looks more natural and is much easier to apply. Even if you don't like to be tanned all the time, there are occasions when many people want to look a little less milk-white and to take the blue tinge off themselves – during the summer and before holidays especially. Corned-beef legs are the curse of Irish women. As legs can be difficult to tan, try a specialised leg product: Lancôme Leg Gel or Cocoa Brown Lovely Legs will cover up even the most stubborn of corned-beef legs.
Gradual tans are great, easy to apply and there is much less opportunity to make mistakes because the colour is light.
St Tropez Gradual
is a classic, and
Garnier Ambre Solaire Instant Bronzer
washes off instantly to give a nice, even, no-streaks colour with no commitment.

Clarins Self Tanning Radiance-Plus Golden Glow Booster (
Great for the face. Add three drops of this wonder liquid to your regular moisturiser or serum to add a warm glow. Use more or less, depending on how bronzed you want to look.

St Moriz Instant Wash
-Off Tan (€5)
The best and cheapest tan brand around has expanded its range to include a wash-off tan. Try it – it’s just as good as fancy-pants ranges (including the one that “inspired” its name). Honest.

Tan Organic Tanning Oil (€24.99)
This organic oil – hydrating, easy to apply and with no nasty pong – spreads easily on the skin and adds a warm, non-orange glow to face and body. Great for dry skin.

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Legs Makeup (€11)
Legs are difficult to tan but this works every time. Available in several shades to suit everyone. The consistency is heavy enough to cover any veins or scars – mix with moisturiser if you like a lighter feel.

AISLING LOVES . . . Elizabeth Arden Prevage Anti-ageing Treatment Boosting Cleanser ( €49)
Active enzymes and antioxidants work to deeply cleanse, exfoliate and improve the appearance of wrinkles. Use before your anti-ageing moisturiser and serum to boost their results.