The Cabinet has signed off on an evictions ban which will mean landlords will not be allowed to remove tenants from their property until the end of March 2023, except for in exceptional circumstances.
With the cost-of-living set to continue to rise through the winter, many tenants are facing the prospect of not being able to meet rental payments.
However, it is expected that the eviction ban will not extend to tenants who refuse to pay rent or misuse a property and that existing notices to quit will still be enforceable.
According to an Irish Times report, some senior Fine Gael figures said privately that they had strong misgivings about an eviction ban and wondered about the political impact of having to reverse the measure next April.
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So, whether you are a tenant or a landlord, what is your opinion of the eviction ban and how will it affect you?
You can share your thoughts using the form. A selection of submissions may be used on