Student Hub: Heavy snowfall takes Met Éireann by surprise

Student Hub email digest: Sneachta; Upcoming referendums; Marc Godart tenants evicted; Johnny Ronan; College drop-out rates climb; TU Dublin finances; UCD’s Trapdoor Theatre and more...

Snow in Dublin's Phoenix Park. Extreme weather caused significant delays on Friday. Photograph: Alan Betson

Classroom Central

Classroom Central

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Hello and welcome to this edition of the Student Hub email digest. In this issue we look at the upcoming referendums; Everyone, it seems, was caught by surprise by Friday’s weather; We have an article on the eviction without notice of tenants of the controversial landlord Marc Godart; We have an article about the developer Johnny Ronan; College dropout rates climb; The Trapdoor Theatre and more...

Weather warnings: Transport disruption and school closures as heavy snowfall takes Met Éireann by surprise. Many areas of Ireland were covered in an unexpected blanket of snow on Friday, a weather event forecasters in Met Éireann said took them by surprise.

Heading for the referendums does the electorate know what it is voting for? Some issues do not engage the electorate, and that would not be a wholly unfair conclusion given the fog around the upcoming amendments.

Marc Godart tenants evicted from building in Suffolk Street, Dublin: Commercial tenants of controversial landlord Marc Godart were evicted without notice from the upper floors of a building on Suffolk Street in central Dublin earlier this week after it was discovered he had leased the floors using a front company.


Johnny Ronan: Stuck in a new kind of bear trap Johnny Ronan once described getting out of the National Asset Management Agency (Nama) as being like getting out of a bear trap.

Emer McLysaght: The Government has made a dog’s dinner of the whole referendum thing, no? I was wearing my school uniform the first time I voted. Eighteen and a half, no doubt sweating in a double layer of 15 denier maroon tights – visible leg skin or socks of any description were reputation enders – and in the middle of my Leaving Cert.

College dropout rates climb amid concern over student mental health: College dropout rates have increased significantly amid signs that more students are struggling with issues such as mental health, long-distance commuting and financial pressures.

‘A perfect storm’: Why more students are dropping out of college: On one level, an increase in the number of students dropping out of college should not come as a huge surprise.

TU Dublin governing body promises action on university’s finances following HEA criticism: The chairman of the governing body at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) has written to staff saying it will become more involved in aspects of running the institution “normally reserved to executive management” after criticism from the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

Disused UCD performance space transformed into €2.5m Trapdoor theatre: From the 1970s onwards the old UCD drama society venue fostered some of Ireland’s top creative talent such as Neil Jordan, Frank McGuinness, Conor McPherson and Marina Carr.

Staff requirement to promote ‘gender ideology’ is threat to academic freedom, say lecturers: A newly formed group campaigning to protect academic freedom in higher education says a requirement for university staff to pledge their commitment to “gender ideology” is a threat to freedom of speech.

Legal students crowned winners of the Irish Times Debate final: Ciara McLoughlin and Ceara Tonna-Barthet of King’s Inns have been crowned team winners of the 64th Irish Times Debate final, Ireland’s longest running third-level debating competition.

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