Do you work in a restaurant? How does your tipping system operate, and do you feel fairly treated?

Let us know by filling in the form below. We may publish your reply, anonymously if you prefer, in The Irish Times

Restaurant tips: money appeared to be the main issue behind staff departures from Richard Corrigan's new Dublin restaurant. Photograph: iStock/Getty

On Saturday The Irish Times reported “regrettable” staff departures from Richard Corrigan’s highly rated, “high octane” new restaurant in Dublin 4. While money appeared to be the main issue, particularly around the way tips were distributed, some staff some were also highly critical of the workplace atmosphere at the Park Café.

Do you work in a restaurant or the wider hospitality industry in Ireland? If so, how does your tipping system operate, and do you feel fairly treated? Let us know by filling in the form below. We may publish your reply, anonymously if you prefer, online and in print.