What's On Your Rider?

FRANK TURNER   What’s on your rider? Some beers, some whisky, maybe a towel. Socks. Nothing too fancy.

FRANK TURNER  What's on your rider?Some beers, some whisky, maybe a towel. Socks. Nothing too fancy.

What would be on your fantasy rider?Regina Spektor at the piano to play me sweet lullabies before and after my set and pay me compliments.

What's your pre-gig ritual/ routine?I warm up my voice, check on my guitar, that kind of thing. I don't really have any rabbit-foot type stuff.

How do you get to the gig – limo, taxi, walking?Usually, I walk from the van to the show or if I'm lucky, from the bus.


What's the best gig you've ever been to?I went to see Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park, and it was pretty amazing. He played for about three hours and it felt like a short set. Plus, my friend Brian (from Gaslight Anthem) got up to sing No Surrender with The Boss. I was happy for him (and a tiny bit jealous).

And the worst?I actually walked out of a Mars Volta show once. I was a huge At the Drive-In fan and I personally think what those guys are doing now is pretty terrible.

Who is the most famous person to have shown up at one of your gigs?Bryan Adams came to see me play in London last year and we hung out for the evening.

Most embarrassing on-stage moment?I once punched myself in the balls in front of about 10,000 people, in my old band. That was pretty bad.

What's your crowd-pleasing number?I guess whatever's been on the radio the most recently. For now, The Roadseems to be the one.

Chatting between songs – good or bad, and why?I like to talk to the crowd, tell some stories, that kind of thing.

Groupies – would you?Maybe once upon a time, but I grew up.

How many roadies does it take to change your lightbulbs?Ideally, I take a crew of four people out with me, but I can get by with less if the situation demands it.

Do you like to meet and greet fans after the gig?Sure.

Once the show is done I see no distinction between me and the people in the audience. So, yeah, I’ll go say hello.

Any useful stage tips?Always put your drink somewhere you won't end up kicking it over.

  • In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea. Frank Turner plays The Academy 2, Dublin on Tuesday