What Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka can teach actors

My Culture highlights: actor Gráinne Good on her favourite actor, band, city and play

2017 was the year of music for me. I went to see so many acts live but the band I listened to the most is The 1975. I was writing a play for a theatre festival and their album I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It helped me: their sound is very dark and it inspired the process. One of my favourite songs is Loving Someone, especially because what I got from it when I was listening to it at home was very different to when I saw them in Malahide Castle, when they had rainbow flags in the background.

Favourite actor
I watched the 1971 version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for the first time the other day and I fell in love with Gene Wilder. He didn't overact because it was a kid's film. As an actor it showed me that no matter who your role is aimed at, or however big or small it is, if you put in the effort to deliver an honest performance, it can have a huge impact.

I was in Amsterdam recently, and I liked it more than I thought I would. Everyone was so nice and welcoming it felt like home. The only difference from Dublin is all the bicycles – I nearly got hit so many times. My boyfriend and I went ice skating (where I realised I can't ice skate) and the Van Gogh Museum. It was interesting to hear that he was most prolific not when he was tormented, but when he was happy.

I saw Let The Right One In recently at the Abbey Theatre, about a 12-year-old boy and a vampire. As soon as I found out about the plot I had to see it as soon as possible. I love that kind of thing, I'm part of the Twilight generation. I was totally blown away by the play, it was beautifully done. I'd seen Katie Honan, who plays Eli, in other productions and I knew she'd be great.


I watch a YouTuber called Shane Dawson, and he has a podcast called Shane and Friends, which I like because he talks about modern issues in a frank manner. In a world where we have to be careful what we say, he just says what he means. I admire that he's not afraid of being open. He's bisexual and he's honest about his life and his relationships too.

I had a disposable camera in Amsterdam, and it was nice not to have my phone out all the time. I took it to be developed today and I can't remember what I took pictures of, so I can't wait to see how they'll turn out.

TV show
I watched The Sinner on Netflix, a drama starring Jessica Biel, which was incredibly dark and intense. I always try to predict the end of shows but it kept taking me by surprise and going in unexpected places. At the end, it affected me for a day or two afterwards, but I love when a show or play can do that to me.

That's Beshoffs in Dublin, which I normally go to before plays. It's always a quick service, and they're really nice in there. They usually have good songs playing too. Most importantly, the chips there are perfect: they're crispy and nice, not too sloppy or full of salt and vinegar.

  • Sive runs at The Gaiety Theatre, Dublin, from January 26th to March 3rd