What were your cultural highlights of 2014?
The Noble Call by Panti Bliss was a piece of unbelievably inspiring oratory. Serial, for finally bringing the podcast as a form in from the cold by utilising the power of long-form radio that could never be on the radio. Dolly Parton singing 9 to 5 to the biggest crowd I've ever been in at Glastonbury was amazing. Finally, I bet big and early on Hozier becoming a star, so I'm glad it happened, not just because he's one of the nicest people you could meet – and one hell of a songwriter – but also because I was right. I'm gracious like that.
And the year’s biggest disappointments?

Kanye’s pared-down Yeezus tour in Marlay Park. Really dodgy gig with an obnoxious crowd. I’m a big Kanye fan, but I sometimes get frustrated that he talks the talk so well yet in this instance did nothing to back up his hyperbole. Also, the end of Crystal Castles and The Knife as we know them made me sad.
What caught you by surprise?
Clipping's debut album, Clppng. It's the album of the year for me. My brain went into a spin when I heard it first. There are noises on that record that are just phenomenal. It's so aggressive and smart, and the production on it is crazy. I owe Peter Crawley a high five for introducing me to that one.
And what will you be glad to see or hear the last of?
People arguing about music-streaming services. So. Boring.
Who or what was 2014’s unsung hero?
The Mighty Stef for signing a distribution deal with Rough Trade. I’ve been a fan of Stef as a man and a musician since the early days of The Subtonics. Great to see hard work and dedication to his craft pay off.
Who’s your top tip for 2015?
I’m excited about some crazily talented Irish youngsters making music right now. Spines, His New Atlas and Robin Cheasty are incredibly talented.
2014 in three words?
Shake it off.