Teenage Doll (1957)
Roger Corman had to make an appearance. The teenage gang in his juvenile delinquent romp rejoice under the name The Black Widows.
Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)
The mighty Tura Satana is one of three murderous go-go dancers in Russ Meyers's most notorious film. Ample bosoms heave as they get down and dirty.

She-Devils on Wheels (1968)
Herschell Gordon Lewis, the "godfather of gore", directs a hilariously inappropriate tale of man-eaters on motorbikes.
Switchblade Sisters (1975)
Jack Hill's exploitation classic was sold with the tagline: "So easy to kill, so hard to love." Very unfair on the Dagger Debs.
Grease (1978)
How do we describe Rizzo, Frenchy, Marty, and Jan? They're the Pink Ladies, of course.
The Warriors (1979)
Walter Hill's controversial epic imagined New York overrun with savage gangs. Most glamorous were the all-female Lizzies.
Heathers (1988)
They are all called Heather and they each represent a horrific trait of US high school life. Still relevant.
Set it Off (1996)
Jada Pinkett Smith and Queen Latifah are among the women who plan a bank raid in an under-rated romp from F Gary Gray.
Mean Girls (2004)
In the hugely influential teen hit, life revolves around The Plastics.
Spring Breakers (2012)
Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez are going wild in Harmony Korine's challenging, troubling investigation of gender norms.