Sheila McCarthy (mezzo soprano)/Brian MacKay (piano)

Angels, Ever Bright and Fair - Handel

Angels, Ever Bright and Fair - Handel

With Darkness Deep - Handel

Chi vuol la zingarella - Paisiello

Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen - Mahler


To the Children - Rachmaninov

In the Silent Night - Rachmaninov

Let Us Garlands Bring (exc) - Finzi

The best features of the song recital last Friday lunchtime in the National Concert Hall's John Field Room, were the characterisation of each item and the clear diction. Sheila McCarthy (mezzo soprano) and Brian MacKay (piano) presented a stylistically mixed programme, including Handel, Paisiello, and Rachmaninov, anchored by two groups of songs by Mahler and Finzi.

Sheila McCarthy used words well in shaping a song and defining its character, and she did not strive too much. Yet those merits are not enough for such music as Mahler's Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen and Finzi's Let Us Garlands Bring. The Mahler, in particular, needs a range and subtlety of colour which was never attained in this recital. It was not helped by some insecure intonation and a tendency to produce an edgy tone in high register.

Brian MacKay's playing was nicely scaled for the venue, and made the best of accompanying Baroque music on the piano. However, he was also inclined to be over-reticent with detail in quiet songs.

Sheila McCarthy's good stage presence and polished informality helped to hold her audience. Yet, in a recital which intermittently captured the deeper aspects of the music, it was significant that the most complete performance was in the encore, by Cole Porter.