Wolfgang Muthspiel's debut for ECM might have been a case of tail wags dog, what with a rhythm section that includes two of the most creative and sought-after players in contemporary American jazz. But bassist Larry Grenadier and drummer Brian Blade are too good and too generous for that. The Austrian guitarist's subtle, less-is-more playing is reminiscent of John Abercrombie, and to say that this ruminative collection of original compositions bears comparison to the latter's trio records for ECM in the 1980s is to confer on it the highest praise. Blade is a poet of the drum set, and Grenadier a poised combination of solidity and unpredictability. Still, it is Muthspiel's range as a player and skill as a composer that define this darkly introspective work. propermusic.com
Wolfgang Muthspiel: Driftwood