The rich sonorities that characterised The Voice Squad in their heyday have further matured in the lengthy intermission since their last album (Good People All) some 21 years ago. The a capella trio have long mined a seam all their own, but the real revelation on this collection are the vastly differing textures they weave: from an American spiritual, Wondrous Love, in all its declamatory glory, to a Baroque, unashamedly bare-boned Courting Is a Pleasure. Claiming Lough Erne Shore for their own, Fran McPhail's high lonesome opener lures the deeper tones of Gerry Cullen and Phil Callery into the lamentation effortlessly. Here the whole is so much greater than the sum of the parts, The Voice Squad's harmonies eking subtleties in one another's interpretations that would most likely be lost in a solo performance. They are, unquestionably, a force still to be reckoned with.
The Voice Squad: Concerning of Three Young Men